Sunday, January 15, 2012

Celebrating Sisters

Now that I’m grown, my sisters give me some of my greatest comfort. Ramona and Juli give me support and we share great memories.

After all, they’ve been there since the beginning. They were my playmates, dance partners and sometime roommates. They know all the stories from the farm, playing in the chicken coops and on the creek, riding the minibike, they know about how I got caught sneaking out the car, and countless other things I’d rather not share.

They’ve also been there to help with my heartaches, provide an ear when I needed to vent, and call me out when I was being the bad one. We were there for each other. We were there when Juli went through her divorce. We shared the tears as we experienced the loss of our grandparents and the especially difficult loss of Wade, my nephew, Ramona's oldest son.

My sisters have the direct line to my heart. They know exactly what buttons to push if I need an attitude adjustment and they know precisely what to say when I need to be built up.

Living hours away from each other, I don’t see them nearly enough, but I know if I need something, they’re just a phone call away. And they know they can count on me in the same way.

That bond between sisters is worth celebrating.

Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:San Angelo

Saturday, January 14, 2012

2011 Holidays

Our family had special holiday's this year. My son, Michael, came home to West Texas at Thanksgiving and Christmas. He is attending school in New York City at Columbia University. Michael has been growing his beard since he left for New York in August.

The Brown family was together for Thanksgiving here at our home in San Angelo.

Michael had a surprise when he arrived home, his Dad had got his Mule Deer back from the taxidermist and hung it in the living room.

It was a nice mount, and a surprise for Michael.

My parents, Mama Jo and Grandaddy, came to visit from Burkburnett after Thanksgiving.

Patrick trimmed his beard up around this time, he is so cute and so is Michael.

My parents were giving me a forced smile, oh well they never knew how I might use it! It was nice to have them here, they don't get to visit that often.

To me Christmas means:
The birth of our lord Jesus Christ. It means knowing that I will have everlasting life because he gave his life for mine. Christmas is a special time to share with loved ones. I am thankful for the best gift of all.....the gift of family. So I rejoiced his holiday season for I am blessed.

Christmas was hear before we were ready! We had a Christmas gathering here at our home. Charlotte and Frank came in from Alpine, Charlotte's sister Georgia made it from Colorado with her beau Danny. Peggy and Mark only had to drive across town!

Another favorite Christmas decoration in the metal tree shown above. Many of the ornaments on the little tree have special meaning to me.

Patrick and Richard posed at the tree for me. Patrick spent the Christmas holiday in Tucson with Meagan and her family. Michael joined him for New Years in Arizona.

Bocephus hiding under the Christmas tree before the presents were placed.

I love putting out the Nativity figures each year! I love to display all my special ornaments on the tree and my glass tree I brought back from Venice.

I have to include this picture of Michael with a clean shaven face for his return to New York. His roommate will not recognize him. I feel I had an extended holiday this year that lasted the length of Michael's winter break. Now it is back to reality!


-Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:San Angelo, TX United States

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Snow in West Texas

As I drove home from Dallas on Monday, the rain followed me to West Texas. Driving south to Abilene, the rain swiftly progressed from light sleet to heavy snow that blanketed San Angelo by Tuesday morning.

Tuesday morning my husband generously went outside to prepare my car for my morning commute across town. It was great to get into a warm car with all snow cleaned off the windows. The city looked like a beautiful postcard early in the morning, later in the day the snow was a fond memory.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:San Angelo

The start of a New Year in San Angelo

The start of a new year is the perfect time to turn a new page in the book that is your life. It is probably why so many people create New Year's Resolutions. A new year often feels like a fresh start, a great opportunity to eliminate bad habits and establish new ones that will help you grow emotionally, socially, physically or intellectually. Of course, resolutions are much easier to make than to keep and by the end of January many of us have abandoned our resolve and settled back into our old patterns.

Location:San Angelo